Format your text

Racesignup has a system in place for formatting text and including event specific items on the event page and in emails. You can use most HTML tags to format your text but use square brackets [ and ] instead of the normal angle brackets < and >, e.g. [b]for bold[/b] or [i]for italics[/i]

The size of your text can be easily adjusted by using the heading codes, [h1]Heading 1[/h1] to [h6]Heading 6[/h6]. 

You can colour your text like this:

[span style='color:#FD3004']This is red[/span]

The colour definition is the hexadecimal code following the # symbol. See this page for color hex codes.

You can insert a bullet point list, known as an unordered list, ul. Each bullet point is known as a list item, li. 

When inserting a bullet point list you should not include any line breaks. Example:

Don`t forget to:[ul][li]Bring a whistle[/li][li]Turn up on time[/li][li]Respect the environment[/li][/ul]

The result:

Don`t forget to:

  • Bring a whistle
  • Turn up on time
  • Respect the environment

Include a link to a page on the Internet, URL, like this: 

[linkstart][linktitle]Click here for further information[linkend]

Include an image like this:

[imagelink][imagetitle]The alternative text that displays if the image can't be seen[imagewidth]400[imageend]

Include a responsive image like this (a responsive image resizes itself to display correctly on all screen sizes):

[img class='img-fluid rounded-0 my-2' src='' alt='']

Note that in these cases the full Internet address is used including https://. 

Email addresses

For the event enquiry email address:


For other email addresses:

[linkstart]mailto:[email protected][linktitle][email protected][linkend]
Event information

By using these special [codes] you can reduce the amount of editing you need to do when cloning an event:





[event_webpage] (see note below)
[event_entrypage] (see note below)

Using [event_webpage]

This inserts the URL you have specified on The Event tab in “Event website or web page”. You need to wrap [event_webpage] in the hyperlink square codes like this:

[linkstart][event_webpage][linktitle]More information . . .[linkend]
Using [event_entrypage]

This inserts the URL for your event page on Racesignup. You need to wrap [event_entrypage] in the hyperlink square codes like this:

[linkstart][event_entrypage][linktitle]Tap here to enter[linkend]
Email Salutation

For bulk emails you can use [salutation] to insert

Dear Peter,

in the email, where Peter is the first name of the entrant.


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